Raiding Expectations
We take progression raiding seriously and expect that all applicants share our dedication to strive for standards and practices that enhance everyone's raiding experience by successfully clearing raid content through improving communication, being trustworthy, and always trying our best.
Joining a raid team
You'll apply after reading these expectations
Raid spots are assigned
As a new training team is formed, the current training team will become a progression team
Being on a training team is a more casual experience and you can always choose to stay with the relaxed atmosphere of the training team rather than move to a progression team.
You might be rotated in/out for another guild member at the discretion of Rhade or a Raid Captain for any one of many reasons:
DPS is not high enough to help progress
A different player is better suited for a fight
To help other players obtain better gear
Lack of skill/experience
In the event your skill level, gear, DPS or rotation knowledge excludes you from fights, training is available. We want you to be the best at your class and spec.
We will do everything we can to ensure that everyone gets time to play with others at their skill level.
It is your responsibility to listen to raid leadership.
The group leaders are responsible for:
Collecting decorations
Explaining fights, calling out mechanics
Keeping raids on time and on track
Forming the group up on time
Sometimes this means:
ending conversations abruptly
switching out team members
Wipes give us an opportunity to improve group cohesion through:
Talking openly about mistakes
Learning from constructive advice
Figuring out weak points in playstyle
Driving for perfection
Do not be surprised if we go over these errors or mistakes publicly if they are a consistent problem. It isn't personal, sometimes leaders need to communicate to adjust and teach.
Persistent challenges
If a player has continuous overwhelming issues, officers or class mentors will outline issues a player may have to address.
If the issue is persistently stopping group progression or a player is unwilling to make changes, a player may be asked to resign at the discretion of the raid leader. Players may always ask for training, resignation only affects participation in progression content until improvement.
While PC/internet issues are not necessarily a player's fault, they do impact the team’s overall ability to clear the content and ultimately replacing a player who has overwhelming computer related issues might seem harsh to some, but it's also unfair to the other 7 (or 15) individuals time to wipe unnecessarily due to one individual’s problems.
Know the fights!
While seeing and doing are separate things and we expect hiccups, "I've never done it," is no an excuse to come ill-prepared.
We will clarify our specific strategies and role assignments during each fight, but every raider should come prepared and fully understanding the fundamentals of every boss fight and their mechanics.
View the raid fight & epic boss guides or need help with a rotation? Visit Icy-Veins
Be on time
We expect that anyone interested in raiding to be on Discord, on their main character and in the appropriate voice lounge 15 minutes beforehand to be ready for an invite.
Discord is required for all raids
A mic is not required unless:
Your role (i.e. tanking) or the raid itself requires you to be able to directly communicate
It is a progression run
For all raids, those that show up on time and are immediately free will be invited first. Manage your time and activities so you will be ready for raid time. If you want to raid, you should be on time and ready on the correct character waiting.
We completely understand and realize that sometimes life will interfere with being on time. However, for the benefit of the entire raid group, don't expect the entire group to wait.
Filling required roles
If a team is missing a specific role (ie: Healer, DPS or Tank), they will pull from members that are in the next team down. If no one is available (either there is no other team or no one in the waiting room/lounge), the role will be filled by a PUG from the guild or public through the Raid Lead(s).
For example: If Progression Team 1 needs a healer, they will pull from the Training team (or if established, Progression Team 2). The Training Team is then requiring a role, they will then pull from those willing to raid in the waiting room/lounge. If there is no one available in the waiting room/lounge, the raid lead for that team will post a message in guild chat and/or general chat for required role.
If you are pulled from one team to another, it is a chance for you to learn raid mechanics or your spec that you may not have known without interacting with different team members. It is not a promotion or demotion.
Again, we stress that you be available in the waiting room/lounge early in case there are any last minute no-shows!
Help others
A pillar of behavior in Golden Age is our willingness to assist others.
This could look like showing up and participating in a raid that you know you don't need any of the gear from, you've done it a couple dozen times, and frankly it's boring to you now.
The stronger each of us are, the more opportunities we have to clear content.
If you have any questions or concerns, speak with Rhade or a Raid Captain.
Good luck and have fun!