welcome to

the book corner, 

fellow bookworms

Whether you are already a reader or are looking to start your reading journey, please leave an emoji in this channel on our Discord to get notifications about voting for the next season.

As a member of our book club, you'll have access to:

what's up buttercup?

Need help getting a book? Check out these low cost resources!

Good Reads - a place to track your books and leave reviews 

The Story Graph - another place to track your books and leave reviews. it also generates graphs based on your reading statistics 

The Libby App - with your local library card, you can sign up for libby to borrow audiobooks and ebooks for free 

Everand - for about $15 usd per month, you can listen to audiobooks and read ebooks from everands library. do note that popular titles do get limited to about 2-3 free reads per month 

Kindle Unlimited - kindle unlimited gives you access to thousands of free ebooks for $12 usd per month 

Net Galley - you can make an account for free and request ARCs (advanced reader copies) in ebook form from publishers 

Hoopla - another free library app with your local library card where you can borrow audiobooks, ebooks, music, tv shows, movies, and more 

Audible - for about $15 usd per month, you can get one audiobook from amazon 

Libro - similar to audible but supports your local book stores instead of Amazon. About $15 usd per month gets you one credit 

Spotify - similar to audible as well, but might be more accessible to some

book bingo!

Good luck!